I'm Rachel.

A Texan with a modern vision for a historic industry.


The best in agriculture is yet to come.

Over a hundred years ago, my great-great-great-grandmother, Rachel Hudgins, survived the Runaway Scrape, and as a single mother and widow, built a ranching stronghold in Wharton County that still stands today. Today's ranchers and land-owners face their own battles that are different, no less challenging. I cherish history and heritage - but I also believe innovation is the key to future success. Through faith, courage, and hard work - I believe agriculture's best days are still yet to come. By opening our gates to change, expanding our horizons to strategic visions for the future, and to rolling up our sleeves and working together - we will build a better future for generations to come. We simply have to choose to do it.

Promoting the Ag Industry

For the Future of my Family and Yours

Rachel Cutrer is no stranger to hard work and innovation. She founded the global ag-marketing agency, Ranch House Designs, when she was only a sophomore at Texas A&M. Today that agency is one of Wharton County's largest employers and serves thousands of ranchers and businesses worldwide. She also isn't scared to take risks - but always accompanies those risks with solid strategy, a game plan, and follow-through. Rachel shares this passion through her books, speaking engagements, and industry leadership.

Past Speaking Engagements

These are just some of the brands I've worked with.


These Boots are Made for Workin'

"Rachel is one of those people who can get things done in 24 hours that it takes most people a week to do..." - B.D., fellow woman in ranching.

Most CEOs of multi-million dollar companies wear business suits. But, not this one. You'll find her in boots and jeans every day. And every day, going 90 miles an hour and striving for excellence in every single thing she does. 

Rachel Cutrer is a creative Texas entrepreneur who isn't afraid to get her boots dirty - or to be different. As a woman in ranching, she's blazed new trails her entire life. From first female Brahman breeder to show the International Grand Champion Female at the young age of 12, to founding a web design company in the late 1990s when computer screens were still primarily black with green lettering, to launching a brand-new cattle operation (BRC) in 2019 and taking the operation to the top of the global Brahman cattle business in less than a year. Rachel knows what it takes to get things done and isn't afraid to take the risks - and do the work - that's required to make great things happen.

Connect with Rachel

When you love something with all of your heart, you work hard to promote it, with everything you have.

"A born Texan has instilled in his system a mindset of no retreat and no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans."

Bill Clayton


“Rachel Cutrer gave us lots of great advice on how to start from the ground up on entrepreneurship projects and gave us the keys to success.”
“So many of Rachel’s points caught my attention, but her words on inheritance pulled me in the most. In ag, we are often told that without inherited land or animals, starting your own business or becoming successful is nearly impossible. However, Ms. Cutrer is an exception to that rule. For months, maybe years, I’ve been discrediting myself because I lack the inheritance or financial parental backing that some of my peers have. Ms. Cutrer made me realize that I, alone, can do it and can be a success.”
“Ms. Cutrer taught me that even if others doubt you, you have to believe in yourself. She dedicates everything she has to the Lord and she helped me realize that my goals and my achievements are never too small.”